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Saturday, May 2, 2015
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All day Online Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOT) Now Open - Academic
The online Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOT) questionnaire, the university's centrally supported method for gathering end-of-term feedb... more
Professional MBA Class Visit - Special Event (Roanoke Center)
Visiting a Professional MBA class will give you a clear idea of the teaching style and classroom experience you would have while in the Virg... more
9:00am Fruit Tree Grafting Workshop - Special Event (Hahn Horticulture Garden Pavilion)
Join Historic Smithfield Plantation and the Hahn Garden for a grafting class! Horticulturist Barry Robinson will lead the hands on workshop ... more
9:00am Artwork by Allie Kelley - Arts (Norris Hall 2nd Floor )
Robust, abstract-expressionist floral oil paintings by local artist and Radford alumna, Allie Kelley. Ms. Kelley has just been accepted to t... more
11:00am YMCA Healthy Kids Day - Special Event (Cassell Coliseum & Dietrick Field)
The YMCA at Virginia Tech invites you to celebrate Healthy Kids Day 2015, a free community event designed to inspire kids to keep their mind... more
12:00pm Reconstituting the Vanished: Gender, Memory, and Placemaking in the Delta South presents the collaborations of Lynda Frese and Barbara Allen - Special Event (Squires Perspective Gallery)
Illustrating the Delta South means examining the influence of gender, history, and memory in Louisiana. Reconstituting the Vanished: Gend... more
4:00pm Austin LaPorta, clarinet - Music/Theatre/Dance (Squires Recital Salon)
Student recital.
7:00pm Class of 2022 Class Officer Election Information Sessions - Club (Holtzman Alumni Center Assembly Hall)
Learn more about the process to run for Class office for the Class of 2022 at Virginia Tech. Attendance at one of three information session... more
7:30pm Nora Cotter, soprano - Music/Theatre/Dance (Squires Recital Salon)
Student recital.

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