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Monday, May 4, 2015
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All day Tranquil Flashes 1990 - 2015 - Academic (Wallace Hall Gallery)
The exhibit 'Tranquil Flashes' is a selection of landscape, still life, and portrait photography by Dianna Martin Givens.
Online Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOT) Now Open - Academic
The online Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOT) questionnaire, the university's centrally supported method for gathering end-of-term feedb... more
9:00am Artwork by Allie Kelley - Arts (Norris Hall 2nd Floor )
Robust, abstract-expressionist floral oil paintings by local artist and Radford alumna, Allie Kelley. Ms. Kelley has just been accepted to t... more
10:00am Workshop-Title IX and Sexual Abuse of Minors - Administration (North End Center, Training Room 2410)
This training will provide information regarding your responsibilities once you become aware of sexual harassment, sexual assault and child ... more
10:00am Global Education Office Walk-in Advising - Academic (Global Education Office (526 Prices Fork Road))
The team of Global Education Peer Ambassadors will be available during weekly Walk-in Advising Hours to share information about programs and... more
12:00pm ICAT Day - Special Event (Moss Arts Center)
Learn more about the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology's (ICAT) research and meet the faculty and students who are crossing tra... more
12:00pm Global Education Office Walk-in Advising - Academic (Global Education Office (526 Prices Fork Road))
The team of Global Education Peer Ambassadors will be available during weekly Walk-in Advising Hours to share information about programs and... more
12:00pm Reconstituting the Vanished: Gender, Memory, and Placemaking in the Delta South presents the collaborations of Lynda Frese and Barbara Allen - Special Event (Squires Perspective Gallery)
Illustrating the Delta South means examining the influence of gender, history, and memory in Louisiana. Reconstituting the Vanished: Gend... more
3:00pm HNFE Graduate Seminar - Seminar/Conference (Frallin Auditorium)
Ann Yaktine, PhD (Senior Program Officer Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC) presentation
6:00pm SalsaTech Lessons - Music/Theatre/Dance (Old Dominion Ballroom)
Come to our FREE salsa lesson in Old Dominion Ballroom in Squires. We offer three levels: Intro to Salsa (6-7), Intermediate Salsa (7-8), an... more
6:30pm New Music Blacksburg - Music/Theatre/Dance (Grand Lobby, Moss Arts Center)
Composition music students present a concert of original chamber music before the DISIS Concert as part of ICAT Day, with guest student comp... more
7:00pm Class of 2022 Class Officer Election Information Sessions - Club (Holtzman Alumni Center Assembly Hall)
Learn more about the process to run for Class office for the Class of 2022 at Virginia Tech. Attendance at one of three information session... more
7:30pm DISIS Concert - Music/Theatre/Dance (Moss Arts Center, Cube)
As a part of ICAT Day, the Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT), the School of Performing Arts, and Digital Interactive Sou... more
7:30pm Student performance and cinema showcase - Music/Theatre/Dance (Theatre 101)
Theatre and cinema students present their work from the semester.

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