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  Engineering Bacteria to Cooperate, Sacrifice, and Organize  

Dr. Lingchong You, Duke University
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy (IGSP)

A major focus of synthetic biology is the engineering of gene circuits to perform user-defined functions. In addition to generating systems of practical applications, such efforts have led to the identification and evaluation of design strategies that enable robust control of dynamics in single cells and in cell populations. On the other hand, there is an increasing emphasis on using engineered systems programmed by simple circuits to explore fundamental biological questions of broad significance. In this talk, I will discuss our efforts along this line of research, whereby we have used engineered gene circuits to examine the evolutionary dynamics of two common bacterial survival strategies and to program self-organized spatial pattern formation. I will also discuss the implications of these systems for medicine and materials fabrication.

Pai, Y. Tanouchi, and L. You. Optimality and Robustness in quorum sensing (QS)-mediated regulation of a costly public good enzyme. PNAS (2012).
Y. Tanouchi, A. Pai, N.E. Buchler, and L. You. Programming stress-induced altruistic death in engineered bacteria. Molecular Systems Biology 8:626 (2012).
S. Payne, B. Li, Y, Cao, D. Schaeffer, M.D. Ryser, and L. You. Temporal control of self-organized pattern formation without morphogen gradients in bacteria. Molecular Systems Biology. (2013).

Lingchong You is an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the Duke University. He obtained his PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2002. He then did postdoctoral research at the California Institute of Technology before moving to Duke in 2004. Combining modeling and experiments, his laboratory explores design features of natural biological networks and builds synthetic gene circuits for applications in computation and medicine. He received a David and Lucile Packard Fellowship in 2006, a DuPont Young Professor Award in 2008, and an NSF Career award in 2010.

Location: 108 HABB1
Price: free
Sponsor: Biological Systems Engineering
Contact: Dr. Justin Barone
(540) 231-0680
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